PFAS update 12/14/19

As described in our previous update (10/15/19), a water testing work plan was developed by Boulder County Department of Health (BCPH) and approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE), with state funding for collecting and lab testing 18 wells located within 1500 feet of Station Two.

Sampling was conducted by BCPH personnel on 10/14 & 10/15.   Boulder County Public Health just informed us, in summary, that all but three residence tests came in UNDER the EPA 70 ppt guidelines.  This is excellent news!  Of the remaining three residences, two had results somewhat above the guideline, while one residence has a higher result. 

The County Has contacted residents where testing was done with summary information and will answer questions about next steps, if any.  Individual test results will be available only to the owner upon request to BCPH.  BCPH, working with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment team, have decided to conduct some additional testing based on geological features. Such tests will be taken soon. Impacted homeowners will be contacted seeking permission to take well samples.

As a reminder, BMFPD personnel are not expert in the field of well water contaminants.  BMFPD will not receive any results with identification of name or address of the individual residence.  We will continue to share updates.  

Robert B. Loveman, Boulder:  303 926-0204